

Overview on Pathology

Pathology is a medical specialty service that focuses on identifying and the cause of disease through testing and examination of blood, urine, or body tissue samples. This helps the specialist understand the health condition by proper diagnosis and offering the appropriate treatment simultaneously.

In Brindavan Hospital, our expertise doctors recommend the patient to have their pathology checkup done where the pathology trained practitioner takes the samples to laboratory to analyze and pull out the test reports. These reports are further taken to the appropriate doctors where the lab expert provides medical opinion regarding the test results. Based on these reports, the doctor further proceeds with the treatment plan according to your health condition.

  • Hands, Hips, Wrist.

  • Foot, Knee, ankle.

  • Shoulder, Spine, and Elbow.


Benefits of Brindavan Hospital Services

  • Experienced and skilled pathologists

  • Personalized care and support

  • Personalized sample testing

  • Advanced equipments “100% safety”

Health Tips and Info

Pathology plays an important role in diagnosing and managing your health conditions. If you have any health issues, want to keep yourself informed on your certain symptoms, you must opt for pathology services under the authorized and experienced doctors or lab specialists.

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