Endoscopic Spine surgery

Endoscopic Spine surgery

Endoscopic surgery is the minimal invasive surgery performed by making small incision and using an endoscope to enter inside the patient's body for taking real-time pictures and videos of organs to identify the cause and provide better treatment. The endoscopy is a thin and long tube with a camera attached at the end to diagnose the entire organs and internal body parts.

Performing this surgery slight discomfort or pain may occur which is very less compared to traditional open surgery. Endoscopic surgery is very safe and has less risk. This surgery may not be suitable for everyone, so an expert or a surgeon's guidance is needed to discuss the procedures and surgical needs.


Benefits of Brindavan Hospital Services

  • Repairing fractured bones with medical instruments.

  • Treatment with medication, injections, casting, bracing, surgery, or other options.

  • Rehabilitation by recommending exercises or physical therapy to restore movement, strength, and function.

  • Prevention with information and treatment plans to prevent injury or slow the progression of disease.

  • Removing the damaged ligaments replacing with healthy tissue.

  • Fix metal, screws, pins, rods, plates, or caps to your damaged or fractured bone to repair your arthritis.

  • Treatment for Arthroscopic surgery.

Health Tips and Info

Before going for the endoscopic surgery, make sure you are following the dietary restrictions, medications, and have prepared yourself for the surgery. Be sure to communicate all your health-related concerns before the surgery is performed.

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